" مرحبا بكم في معهد دار العابدين نهضة الوطن " " Selamat Datang di Situs Pondok Pesantren Darul 'Abidin NW Gerisak Semanggeleng" " Welcome To DARUL 'ABIDIN NW Islamic Boarding School "

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Respectable to the Leader of Darul ‘Abidin Nahdlatul Wathan  Islamic Boarding School.
Honorable to the leader of Gerisak Semanggeleng Village .
Honorable to the all Teachers and All of Parents of Students
All of the Guests , all of Audiences
And all of my Friends whom I always love them.

First of all, let’s thank to Allah the almighty  who has been giving us his mercies and his blessing until we can attend this meeting without any troubles and obstacles in this happy places and times.
Secondly, shalawat and salam always be with our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , who has guided us from the bad characters to the good characters or who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

Thirdly, I won’t forget to say thank you very much to Mr. Chairman who has been giving me the times to deliver my speech in this public.
I’m standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title:
 Looking for sciences and the spirit to study.

 Sciences are very important for us and if we want to master the sciences: firstly, we have to spirit to look for the sciences. And as we have known about the first order from the god is    اقراً  and the mean is reading, if we look mean of reading in the dictionary that, the dictionary will explain to us that reading is the activity to get success. And many years a go we have been studying in this Islamic boarding school, and now we face that the upgrading class and the farewell party. We knew that the upgrading class is one way to upgrade us from class one to class two, and class two to class three and so on. But the upgrading class is not to make us proud or arrogant, therefore I hope all of my friends always have some spirits to study or to do their best. And the farewell party that special for class three between senior high school or junior high school  let’s think how to continuo our study, due to let’s have the wise word that long life education, and its mean is we have to study although we have been the oldest people because study is better than didn’t move. Didn’t move mean that died, although we are still living in this world. So, let’s start from our selves to study till we will die and never give up never, never, never.
That’s all my speech and please forgive me if you have found many mistakes from my speech, because no body is perfect in this world. And please take the right one and throw the wrong one to make us success in the future.

And the last I say
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


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" Terima Kasih telah berkunjung ke Situs kami, semoga bermanfaat, Amin Bi Amin Ya Amin Allohumma Amin Ya Robbal Alamin"